

Insure the risks inherent in the transport of goods: deterioration, operating loss or destruction in order to preserve your civil liability, your structure and the interests of your employees.

For Carriers, freight forwarders and logisticians wishing to obtain efficient and reactive coverage of the risks associated with the transportation of goods, regardless of the mode of transport used (roads, railways, shipping lanes).

– Coverage that protects your interests in the flow of goods.

– In case of damage, immediate support and compensation equal to the value of your goods.

– Customized coverage adjusted to the specific requirements of your business.

Ascoma benefits from a global vision and is totally independent of the corporate insurance market. This allows us to offer you safe and reliable coverage which matches the needs of your organization in every way.


Our teams work with companies specializing in maritime transportation in order to cover the following risks:

– Transported goods, including storage and transit

– Ships: P&I, hull and machinery, war risks, charterers liability cover

– Shipyards and ships under construction

– Third-party liability of transport and logistics professionals

This insurance covers the material, financial and physical consequences that occur in the fulfilment of your tasks. Each stage of your operations must be protected by appropriate guarantees.

Send us your questions and we will assist you