ASCOMA International (International Management)

Who we are

ASCOMA International is based in Paris, our experts coordinate international operations, serve clients, subsidiaries and business partners of the group.

Our expertise

ASCOMA International guarantees International standard compliances with the highest business ethics and constantly delivers advice, information and technical notes about specific insurance solutions in Africa; it analyses complex calls for tenders, organization of major international programs, reinsurance investments or special risk and prevention audits.

Ascoma International • 34 Rue Godot de Mauroy – 75009 Paris – France • Courtier d’assurance et de réassurance • S.A.S. au capital de 250 000 € • RCS Paris N° 449 852 979 • N° ORIAS 07004995 • • ACPR – 4 place de Budapest – CS 92459 – 75436 Paris Cedex 09 – France • Réclamations clients : • Délais de traitement : accusé de réception dans un délai de 10 jours ouvrables après réception, traitement de la demande dans les 2 mois suivants

Alain Bouzaid
Alain Bouzaid
General Manager
  • 34 rue Godot de Mauroy, 75009 Paris – France
  • (+33) 1 47 42 63 75

1st independent broker in sub-Saharan Africa
for 70 years

29 subsidiaries in 23 countries

700 employees including 670 in Africa

Our experts answer your questions.