Our commitments

Health is our responsibility

ASCOMA’s presence in the African continent gives it a real responsibility with regard to health concerns such as malaria, HIV, diabetes and other chronic diseases with many human, economic and social repercussions. Determined to make a real difference, the group joined the Health & Business Association from 2004 to 2016. The activity of the Association has been taken over by the CIAN (French Council of Investors in Africa) in which we are also members. In this context, we remain vigilant with regard to health hazards, and therefore, we launched awareness campaigns on the Ebola virus and the coronavirus to educate our employees and stakeholders and we have provided prevention materials in risk areas. Thus, we are committed to making an active contribution in the countries where we operate.

Our support of the economy

We are a privileged partner of the Seekewa project which aims at financing, in the form of a zero-interest loan, agricultural micro-projects or micro-enterprises that have a direct impact on the lives of families in Ivory Coast.

Focus on involvement

The Group is committed to the development of the human potentials in the countries it operates in through apprenticeship or alternating internships and an integration policy of local young people.