Life insurance & investments

Life insurance & investments

For the transfer of your capital or to prepare the payment of an additional annuity with an investment adapted to your expectations, increase your wealth with a competitive return and tax advantages.

For every individual or professional who wishes to establish a savings plan or supplemental retirement plan to build long-term capital.

– An investment that increases the value of your investments.

– Personalized support for the development of your savings plan.

– A contract adapted to your situation and requirements.

You are an independent professional concerned about supplementing your retirement? We arrange your supplemental retirement plan within the current framework of a Madelin contract and Article 83. In addition, you benefit from tax relief and boost your savings by taking advantage of market opportunities.


We select tailor-made savings and retirement programs that meet all your needs: grow your capital, optimize the transfer of your wealth and reduce your tax burden through capital investment, savings plan or implementation of a supplemental retirement plan, in order to assure you a serene future.


ASCOMA has a network of major global brokers who set up programs in compliance with local regulations and ensure tailor-made reporting.

All ASCOMA partners meet clearly established instructions:

  • – An international team speaking English.
  • – A sufficient technical level in all insurance sectors.
  • – Responsive in the acknowledgment of receipt of our requests.
  • – Vigilant in respecting the quality of deadlines (issuance of policies, receipts, payment of premiums).
  • – A competent claims department.
  • – Report to ASCOMA International any important information (claim or major challenge, request for local coverage as an exception to the risk manager’s instructions).
Send us your questions and we will assist you