Juriste H/F

Company’s presentation and site presentation

The Ascoma Group’s core business is international insurance and reinsurance brokerage. Headquartered in Monaco, its subsidiaries are located mainly in 22 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and in France. It employs 700 people.

Main missions of the poste

Sous la responsabilité de la Directrice juridique, vous serez amené(e) à assumer les missions d’un(e) juriste, notamment en droit des affaires, pour nos filiales francophones et anglophones.

Main tasks

You will be involved in all the Legal Department’s files (Corporate, Litigation, Contracts, Industrial Property.) In all these areas, your assignments, carried out in a collaborative environment with the help and support of the General Counsel, will cover all the 31 companies that currently make up the ASCOMA Group and will mainly be as follows:

  • Manage the Department’s day-to-day files,
  • Draw up simple and complex legal documents,
  • Draft intra-group contracts,
  • Draw up contracts with third parties,
  • Monitor, inventory and update contracts,
  • Draw up and update the Department’s deed matrices,
  • Prepares documents relating to the holding of Board of Directors’ meetings and General Meetings,
  • Ensure that all mandatory registers are properly kept,
  • Legal formalities for France and Monaco,
  • Supervise legal formalities carried out abroad,
  • Monitor litigation and pre-litigation for all subsidiaries,
  • Manage Group insurance,
  • Manage the Group’s brand and domain name portfolio,
  • Draw up legal studies,
  • Legal watch in corporate and contract law,
  • Legal and regulatory watch in insurance law,
  • Draft legal procedures.
  • Legal audit assignments.

Profiles & Skills required

Formation : Bac +5 droit privé (Société / Commercial)

Experience: Experience in a similar position required (5 years)

Know-how :

– Master’s degree in business law

– Knowledge of insurance law appreciated

– Adaptability to foreign legislation

Soft skills :

– Strong commitment and results-oriented culture

– Rigor and Proactivity

– Ability to work in an international, multicultural environment

– Language

– Legal and professional English

– IT

– Proficiency in Pack Office

– Knowledge of Lexis Polyacte appreciated

Job Type:
  • Full-time, fixed-term contract
Avantages :
  • Titre-restaurant
  • 20 euros per month for transport passes
Horaires :
  • Du Lundi au Vendredi
  • Work periods of 8 hours from Monday to Thursday and 7 hours on Friday
Capacité à faire le trajet ou à déménager:
  • 98000 Monaco Monte-Carlo: Faire le trajet sans problème ou prévoir un déménagement avant de prendre son poste (Exigé)
  • Bac +5 in private law
Catégorie: Legal /Juridique
Type: Full Time
Emplacement: Monaco
Domaine: Juridique
Type de contrat: CDD
Filiale: Ascoma Assureurs Conseils (maison-mère du Groupe) - Monaco
Statut: Cadre

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